Monday, May 3, 2010

my all-time favorite and worst u.s congressmen

Here is a lisit of my all-time favoitre and worst U.S congeressmen.
1.James Traficant
2.Bob Barr
3.George Mitchell
4.Thomas Daschle
5.Mike Mansfield
6.Harry Waxmen
7.Dennis Kucinich
8.Maxine Waters
9.Carolyn McCarthy
10.John Murtha
11.Steny Hoyer
12.Sam Johnson
13.Dan Rostenkowski
14.Charles Rangel
15.Erica Massa

Favorite and Worst u.s senators of all-time vol-1

Here is the List of my favorite and worst all -time u.s sentors.
1.Barbara Boxer
2.Joe Biden
3.Mitch Mcconnell
4.Robert Bird
5.Arlen Spector
6.Robert Packwood
7.Diane Fenstein
8.Lamar Alexander
9.Connie Mack
10.Richard J.Santouium
11.John Chaffe
12.Eric Cantor
13.John Ensign
14.Max Backus
15.Kent Conrad
16.Jeb Hensarling
17.Dick Durbin
18.Alan Simpson
19.Jon Kyl
20.Barney Frank
21.Olymia Snowe
22.Arlen Spector
23.Bob Bennett
24.Roland Burris
25.Daniel Patrick Moyniham
26.Al Gore
27.Robert F.Kennedy